Clinical trial endpoints and outcomes video series

An educational series exploring challenging and controversial topics related to clinical trials in oncology.

Comparative effectiveness
without head-to-head trials

Dr Leighl delves into alternative
evidence to compare different
interventions when direct
comparisons of therapies by
gold-standard, head-to head
randomized clinical trials are not feasible.

It’s all relative: the
importance of HRs and follow-up time

Dr Tan discusses survival analysis
in oncology clinical trials, with a
focus on HR and follow-up time.



Expedited regulatory
approval: a balancing act for
patient access

Prof. Ares highlights the
shifting drug development and
regulatory approval landscape in
oncology to meet the needs of
patients, and recent advances in the field.


Clinical trial endpoints: moving beyond OS

Dr Bazhenova explores what
constitutes a meaningful endpoint
for the regulatory approval of
new oncology drugs, including
the validity of PFS as a
surrogate endpoint for OS.


An accurate expense: the role of
independent review committees

Prof. Ahn explores the role of
independent review committees
in clinical trials with
imaging-related endpoints.


HR: hazard ratio; OS: overall survival; PFS: progression-free survival.